
The Serval Conservation Organization

Pampas Cat
Oncifelis colocolo

Weight: 8-14 pounds 
Head/Body: 24 inches 
Tail: 12 inches 
Subspecies: 7

The Pampas Cat, or Grass Cat as it is known in some parts of its range, can grow up to a little over 2 feet in length with a tail of approximately 12 inches. It resembles a large domestic cat. The base fur, which is fairly long, ranges in color from grey to yellow/brown or dark brown, and is covered with horizontal stripes or streaks of dark brown. The underparts and legs are often lighter in color.

The head is relatively small compared to body size and is marked with white around its nose and eyes. The pampas cat is found in a range that covers most of western and central South America, from Equador and Chile across the Andes Mountains into Argentina and neighboring countries. The habitat of the cat is quite varied, and they are equally at home on the grassland plains, the dense equatorial forest or high altitude mountain scrub.

Although little is known of the pampas cat's hunting and breeding habits, it is believed to hunt at night from the ground, and seeks birds, cavies and other small animals. It is also known to take domestic poultry in areas close to human habitation, notably along the coastal areas of Chile.

The pampas cat is hunted throughout its range for its fur and is listed in CITES Appendix II.